lunes, 5 de enero de 2009

still here

In my place, in my place , were lines that I couldn't change I was lost, oh yeah..I was lost, I was lost..Crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed..I was lost, oh yeah
Yeah, how long must you
wait for him? Yeah, how long must you pay for him? Yeah, how long must you wait for him?
I was scared, I was
scared..tired and underprepared..but I wait for you
If you
go, if you go,lLeaving me here on my own.. well I wait for you
Yeah, how long must you wait for him? Yeah, how long must you pay for him? Yeah, how long must you wait for him?
Please, please, please..
come on and sing to me, me
Come on and sing it out, out, out..come on and sing it now,
now, now..come on and sing it
In my place, in my place...were lines that I couldn't change..I was lost, oh yea..
Oh yeah*


3 comentarios:

Melanie dijo...

Hola que tal? soc la Melanie
t'escric aquí que potser es una mica mes personal que el metroflog.
Depen del favor que em demanis doncs si que puc ferte'l, de fet el 24 com a molt tard ens hem de veure. ja em diràs, un petó!

Melanie dijo...

Hola, doncs mira d'enviar un mail a l'ajuntament d'allà o algo així perquè el Lari mai sap res de les entrades.
mira-ho, jo també t'ho mirare i si trobo algo et dic alguna cosa vale?;)
un petó!

PD: gracies pel coment dl video!

Melanie dijo...

Buenassss torno a ser jo! ejejje
com va tot? vas trobar algo del dissabte?

bueno jo aquest cop et volia informar de la nova exitència del club de fans del Mag Lari jeje
i ara he pensat en tu que segur que t'interessa, et deixo la web

un petonet wapa!!!